The Naked Game
The fast paced, as family friendly as you want, guessing game
Play nowThe Naked Game works best when everyone is in the same place, but works almost as well when you get everyone together on a video call.

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Get ready
Everyone comes up with a short list of nouns to add into the mix.
Pick teams
Choose your team, team name, color or just let the game decide for you.
Describe the words
Everyone takes turns trying to describe as many nouns as they can get through
to their team in 30 seconds. Each word guessed is worth 1 point.
Do it again
After you go through all the words, everyone should know every word,
Take turns again, but this time you can only use 1 word to describe each noun.
Act out
In the final round, act out the words. The team with the most points wins!
You and your friends just had a ton of fun. Play again!